JV Deals
Welcome to the Atlanta Cheap Homes JV Deal Submission where you can submit your deals and we’ll help you get the property closed quickly! Profits will be split 50/50 on all deals you submit.
Submission Guidelines:

In order to best assist you, we kindly ask you to fill out a deal
submission form by clicking on the  “Submit A Deal” button. Before filling out the form consider the following:

  • Please make sure we know how to access the property. If it is on a lock box please provide the Lock box code.
  • You must have the property under contract with the seller of record. Please attach a copy of the executed contract between you and the seller.
  • Please upload Pictures to a photo sharing website like Picasa or Google +.  Please make the pictures available for public sharing.
  • Please note we will need 15 days in order to market the property, find a buyer, and close on the property.
Submit A Deal

The Next step would be to fill out a JV Option Form. If there are any questions, please refer to the explanation below:
*Note Profits will be split 50/50 on all deals you submit.

Click on “Download now.” An Echo Sign Adobe page should open automatically.Read the instructions and details on the first pageOn the second page please fill out the following:             

a. Payable to: Either your personal name or the name of your LLC company.

b. Price: The amount of money that is on the contract.

i. Please write the price as you are writing a check… Example ($350,000 Three Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars)

c. Property Address: The address of the property that is under contract.

d. Sign, and include your Email address. This is a vital step to assure the delivery of a copy of the signed option to yourself.

We would like to thank you for your vote of confidence. We look forward
to strengthening our relationship with you through future deals.

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Wes Anderson Portland keffiyeh Schlitz cred. American Apparel synth twee, keffiyeh post-ironic Banksy craft beer...

Name and Title of the House

Wes Anderson Portland keffiyeh Schlitz cred. American Apparel synth twee, keffiyeh post-ironic Banksy craft beer...
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